For Business

Manage orders - Shopify

Manage your Buy with Prime orders from the Shopify admin or the merchant console

View Buy with Prime orders on the Shopify admin

Note: Buy with Prime for Shopify customers can see their tax information in the order details. Depending on the order, shopper, and merchant, the overall taxes can include other taxes and fees and not only sales tax.

To see Buy with Prime orders on your Shopify admin, follow these steps.

  1. Open your Shopify admin.
  2. On the side menu, choose Orders.
  3. Choose All locations on the top right-hand navigation bar of the Orders page.
    Note: You can filter orders tagged with Buy with Prime on the Orders page.
  4. Open the tab of the orders you want to see, for example: All, Unfulfilled, Unpaid, Open, and Closed.
  5. You can see the following details about your Buy with Prime orders:
    • Order: Shopify order number.
    • Date: Date and time of when the order was created.
    • Customer: Name of customer who created the order.
    • Total: Total amount of payment.
    • Payment status: Status of payment, such as Authorized, Paid, or Payment pending.
    • Fulfillment status: Status of fulfillment, such as Fulfilled, or Unfulfilled.
    • Return status: Status of the return, such as Return in progress, or Returned.
    • Items: Number of items in the order.
    • Delivery method: Shipping method, such as Prime, or Standard shipping.
    • Tags: Any tags entered by the customer to identify their order, such as: Buy with Prime.

View Buy with Prime orders on the merchant console

  1. Open the merchant console.
  2. Choose Orders.

Filter and sort orders

To filter orders, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Shopify admin.
  2. On the side menu, choose Orders.
  3. On the right side of the page, choose the sort or filter button.
  4. Enter the filter parameter or the sort parameter, and then choose Filter or Sort.
  5. Filter returns by status:
    • Returned
    • Return in progress
    • Return requested
    • Return failed

Troubleshoot canceled orders

Buy with Prime might cancel an order due to incompatible store settings, unsupported third-party apps, errors from Shopify or inventory being identified as unfulfillable. You can see the canceled order and cancellation reason in the Timeline section of your Shopify admin.

Use the following table to troubleshoot canceled Buy with Prime orders:

Cancellation ReasonAction
Taxes included in subtotal

Buy with Prime is incompatible with the setting that allows taxes to be included in item prices. You need to remove taxes from your item prices. To remove taxes:

1. Open your Shopify Admin.
2. Choose Markets, and then United States.
3. Under Taxes, choose Manage.
4. Deselect the Include sales tax in product price and shipping rate box.

For more information, go to Dynamic tax-inclusive pricing.

Items are unfulfillable

Contact Merchant Support and provide the following details:

• Store URL
• Order ID
• The Buy with Prime cancellation reason displayed on your order timeline
• Snapshot of your order timeline with the cancellation reason

Order contains multiple SKUs
Fulfillment order and order line item count differ
Unable to capture payment from Shopify
Invalid BwP Order
Item quantity at checkout differs from quantity in fulfillment order
Payment authorization expired
Currency in order is non-USD
Can’t capture payment from Shopify
Non-Prime shipping option
Taxes estimated
Order has an incorrect Buy with Prime promise
Missing product ID or SKU in catalog item data
Promise ID not consistent across Fulfillment Orders
Fulfillment Order assigned to Buy with Prime after Order Creation
Invalid Promise ID
Item no longer available with Prime
Invalid Fulfillment Order request

If you need further assistance troubleshooting canceled Buy with Prime orders, contact Merchant Support.

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