For Business


Review dashboard charts that show trends for orders and returns over time, and compare previous performance periods

Buy with Prime analytics provides an overview of your Buy with Prime business performance. Depending on the reporting date range, the charts show historical hourly, daily, or monthly values of your metrics. Buy with Prime analytics also includes reports that organize your customer data and product-level metrics so you can analyze your business from different perspectives.

Access your analytics

Access your Buy with Prime analytics using one of the following options:

Option 1 (from the merchant console menu)

  1. Open the merchant console.
  2. Choose Analytics.
  3. To review a specific dashboard chart, choose the Orders or Returns menu option.

Option 2 (from the merchant console home page)

  1. Locate the Buy with Prime overview button.
  2. Choose See order analytics.

Orders dashboard

Provides sales and orders metrics for your Buy with Prime orders including total sales, total orders, and average order value.

Metric definitions

Metric definitionsDescription
SalesTotal amount paid by customers for Buy with Prime orders excluding fully returned and canceled orders.
OrdersTotal number of Buy with Prime orders placed by customers excluding fully returned and canceled orders. An order can include multiple items.
Average order valueAverage sales amount paid by customers for each Buy with Prime order.
Average units per order Average quantity of products purchased per order.

Returns dashboard

Tracks return amounts, items returned, and return rate for your Buy with Prime orders.

Metric definitions

Metric definitions Description
Return amountTotal dollar value of Buy with Prime units returned by customers.
Units returnedNumber of Buy with Prime units returned by customers.
Return rate Percentage of Buy with Prime units returned relative to the number of Buy with Prime units ordered.

Products report

This report provides product-level performance metrics. You can use the report to understand how customers engage with each product, optimize listing, pricing, promotions, and marketing initiatives to help drive higher conversion. Sales and returns metrics can help you improve inventory management and detect quality issues to improve customer satisfaction. Using views and clicks, you can derive metrics like clickthrough rate, checkout-abandonment rate, and conversion rate. You can also export the data as a CSV file to incorporate into your own dashboards and business reports.

Metric definitions

Column title Description
ProductProduct title, SKU, and variant details.
ViewsTotal number of times the Buy with Prime button is loaded on the product page.
ClicksTotal number of times the Buy with Prime button is clicked to start checkout.
OrdersTotal number of Buy with Prime orders placed that include the product, excluding fully returned or canceled orders.
SalesTotal amount paid by customers for the product in Buy with Prime orders, excluding fully returned or canceled orders.
Units orderedTotal number of Buy with Prime units of the product ordered by customers, excluding fully returned or canceled orders.
Units returnedTotal number of Buy with Prime units of the product returned by customers.
Return amountTotal dollar value of Buy with Prime units of the product returned by customers.
Return rate Percentage of Buy with Prime units of the product returned relative to the number of Buy with Prime units of the product ordered.

To access the products report:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console, and then in the side menu, select Analytics / Products.
  2. By default, the report displays the past seven days of data for products that offer Buy with Prime. To change the reporting periods, select one of the following periods from the date-range filter: today, past 7 days, past 30 days, year-to-date, or custom range.
  3. Use the search field to filter data by product title or SKU. Each row under the Product column shows the title, SKU, and variant details, such as size and color. Click the view icon to show or hide specific columns on the table chart.
  4. By default, report data is sorted by date of sale in descending order. Click on any column header to change the sorting method.
  5. Use page options to control the number of rows to display and navigate multiple pages.
  6. To download a CSV file, click the export icon.

Fulfillment report

This report provides daily fulfillment metrics and delivery speeds of Buy with Prime orders. You can also export the report data as a CSV file to incorporate into your own dashboards and business reports. Buy with Prime orders are fulfilled using Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF). To learn more, go to Order fulfillment.

Metric definitions

Column title Description
Day First attempt delivery date.
Units delivered Total number of Buy with Prime units delivered on the specified date.
On-time deliveryTotal number of units delivered on or before the estimated delivery date shown to the shopper.
On-time 1 dayTotal number of units delivered on-time, with estimated delivery within one day.
On-time 2 dayTotal number of units delivered on-time, with estimated delivery within two days.
On-time 2+ daysTotal number of units delivered on-time, with estimated delivery of more than two days.
DelayedTotal number of units delivered but not by the estimated delivery date shown to the shopper.
UndeliverableTotal number of units that went out for delivery but could not be delivered, due to incorrect shipping address or similar issues.
LostTotal number of units that went out for delivery but were not delivered as they were lost during transit.

To access the fulfillment report:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console, and then on the side menu, select Analytics / Fulfillment.
  2. By default, the report displays the past 30 days of data based on the first attempt delivery date. To change the reporting period, select one of the following periods from the date-range filter: today, past 7 days, year-to-date, or custom range.
  3. By default, report data is sorted by date in descending order. Click on any column header to change the sorting method.
  4. Choose View options to specify items per page and show or hide specific columns on the table chart.
  5. Use the page options on the bottom to control the number of rows to display and navigate multiple pages.
  6. To download a CSV file, choose the export icon.

Customers dashboard

The customer list page organizes a complete list of your Buy with Prime customers and summarizes their order activity. This helps you streamline customer management and leverage valuable data to build and nurture customer relationships. You can easily export the data as a CSV file.

Customer list page

Column titleDescription
CustomerCustomer name (first and last) and email.
Customer since The date your customer placed their first Buy with Prime order.
Total spent The total amount paid by customers for Buy with Prime orders, excluding fully returned and canceled orders.
Total ordersThe total number of Buy with Prime orders placed by customers, excluding fully returned and canceled orders.
Return amountThe total dollar value of Buy with Prime units returned by customers.
Units returned The number of Buy with Prime units returned by customers.

To search for a customer:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console and select Customers from the side menu.
  2. Enter the customer’s first name and last name or email address in the search bar and choose the search icon.

To apply filters to the customer list:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console and select Customers from the side menu.
  2. Choose the filter icon to see the Customer since dropdown display.
  3. Choose a date range option or create a custom date range.
  4. Choose apply.

To sort customer list data:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console and select Customers from the side menu. The default view lists data in an ascending order based on the Customer since column.
  2. Choose Customer since to sort data in ascending or descending order.

To navigate between pages on customer lists:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console and select Customers from the side menu.
  2. If your customer list exceeds the page limit (24 rows), choose the next page number or arrow to see additional customer list data. Note: Each page is limited to 24 rows of information.

To export customer list/data:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console and select Customers from the side menu.
  2. Choose the export icon.
  3. A CSV file will automatically download on your device.

Note: There’s a 10,000 customer record limit when exporting data.

Fees report

This report provides a breakdown of the fees for Buy with Prime orders. You can view fees at an order level, search for specific orders, and export data as a CSV file to use for business reports and financial analysis.

Column title
Order ID
A unique identifier for each Buy with Prime order.
Order date
The date when the order was created.
Order total
Total amount paid by the customer, excluding tax.
Total fees
Aggregate fees for the order, including Prime service, fulfillment, and payment processing fees excluding discounts and credits.
Prime service fee
This Prime service fee allows you to offer Prime shopping benefits on your site and leverage the trust of Prime to help grow your e-commerce business.
Prime service fee tax
Amazon collects and remits sales tax on the Prime service fee in states where it’s required by law.
Fulfillment fee
The fulfillment fee is a per-unit fee for fulfilling Buy with Prime orders. The fee is calculated based on product size, weight, and units per Buy with Prime order.
Payment processing fee
The payment processing fee is transaction-based and includes domestic or cross-border processing and authorization fees, plus tax where applicable. The payment processing fee is only charged when a purchase is successfully authorized and processed. This fee is not applicable if you’re using the MCF and Buy with Prime app for Shopify or the Buy with Prime app for Shopify.
Domestic processing fee
Fee applied when payments are processed using a US-issued payment method.
Cross-border processing fee
If you receive payment from a payment method issued outside of the US, Amazon Pay collects a cross-border processing fee and the authorization fee, plus tax where applicable. The cross-border processing fee is charged only when the transaction is captured.
Authorization fee
Fee charged for the authorization of the payment transaction. This fee is not applicable if you’re using the MCF and Buy with Prime app for Shopify or the Buy with Prime app for Shopify.
Payment ID
A unique identifier for the transaction associated with an order.
Order status
Current status of the order, such as ordered, shipped, or delivered.
Amazon order ID
Amazon order ID as shown in Seller Central.

To access the fees report:

  1. Sign in to the merchant console.
  2. On the side menu, choose Analytics, and then Fees.
  3. By default, the report displays the past 30 days of data for all Buy with Prime orders based on order creation date.
  4. Choose a column header to sort and filter your Buy with Prime orders. By default, report data is sorted by order date in descending order.
  5. Choose View options to specify items on each page and show or hide specific columns on the chart.
  6. Use the page options on the bottom to choose the number of rows displayed and navigate pages.
  7. To download a CSV file, click the export icon.
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Analytics FAQ

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Products report FAQ

Get answers to common questions about Buy with Prime products report.

For other questions, go to FAQ library.

Customer list FAQ

Get answers to common questions about your Buy with Prime customer list.

For other questions, go to FAQ library.

Fees report FAQ

Get answers to common questions about the Buy with Prime fees report.

For other questions, go to FAQ library.