For Business

5 tips to help shoppers find Buy with Prime products on your site

Learn how to add a collection page to showcase Buy with Prime products on your ecommerce site.


Buy with Prime can help you attract and convert shoppers by providing a Prime shopping experience directly on your own site. To tap into the potential of Buy with Prime, we recommend creating a collection page on your site to showcase the products shoppers can purchase using Buy with Prime.

Using a collection page to showcase your Buy with Prime products makes it easy for shoppers to find available products, and encourages Prime members to discover other products on your ecommerce site.

Below are five tips from our user experience (UX) experts on creating a Buy with Prime collection page.

Make sure your home page has a clear link to the Buy with Prime collection page. Make it simple and intuitive for shoppers to access the Buy with Prime products available on your site.

1. Provide home page visibility

Depending on your site’s structure, you can highlight the Buy with Prime collection page in a hero image, a top-level menu option, or a notification banner on your home page. This can help raise awareness about your Buy with Prime products and entice Prime members to discover more products on your site.

Check out how Yoobi’s showcases Buy with Prime through their menu and a notification banner.

2. Explain Buy with Prime

Help your shoppers understand the added benefits of using Buy with Prime to make purchases on your site. Explain how they can get fast, free shipping and easy returns with estimated delivery dates, and give them a reason to explore Buy with Prime products on your site. More information at their fingertips can lead to more conversions for your business.

Check out how Live by Being helps customers understand the benefits of purchasing using Buy with Prime.

We recommend including a “Learn more” drop down overview or a pop-up on your Buy with Prime product description page.

Check out how Fenrici gives shoppers the opportunity to learn about Buy with Prime on their product pages.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) is another way participating ecommerce businesses can help customers understand the benefits of using Buy with Prime to complete orders.

See the FAQ What’s Buy with Prime? pop-up on the Great Circle Machinery’s Buy with Prime collection page.

3. Be consistent with your messaging

Keep your Buy with Prime message consistent across all relevant SKUs in your catalog. We recommend using the Buy with Prime badge and a brief description about the benefits on your collection page. These additions keep your messaging consistent while helping shoppers understand how to purchase Buy with Prime products on your site.

Visit Fenrici’s Buy with Prime collection page to see how easy it is to spot a Buy with Prime product.

4. Maintain a consistent structure for your products

When categorizing different products on your Buy with Prime collection page, keep the categories consistent with the way you’ve structured other products on your site. If your ecommerce site has a filter for products, include a filter on the collection page too.

If you have more than five SKUs in a category, we also recommend creating sub-categories. This ensures that shoppers won’t have to look through multiple pages for the product they’re interested in.

Discover how some other online brands build up their Buy with Prime collection page.

5. Drive awareness about your Buy with Prime products
Drive awareness about your Buy with Prime products throughout your site and marketing materials using the Buy with Prime badge.

The Buy with Prime badge can increase shopper confidence when purchasing on your site. Make sure to include the Buy with Prime messaging — fast, free delivery and easy returns — to entice shoppers to make a purchase on your site.

Existing merchants can access the Buy with Prime marketing toolkit, brand guidelines and Buy with Prime badge in the marketing section of their merchant console. Learn more about Buy with Prime marketing solutions.

We want you to get the most out of using Buy with Prime. Creating an easy to find Buy with Prime collection page can enhance the shopper experience and help accelerate your growth.

Thank you for being a part of this new shopping experience.

If you’re not currently a Buy with Prime merchant, learn more about how to get started.

Audrey Han