For Business

Team management

Add, edit, and remove users within your business

Team management allows you to add, edit, and remove users within your business without the need to contact merchant support. Team management sends email invitations automatically when you add a team member to your business. Only the Owner and Admin roles can add or remove users from the team page in the merchant console.

User roles

Owners and Admins can manage users within the business on the team page. The following roles can be assigned to users associated with your business:

  • Admin: This role has the same access as the Owner role, with unrestricted access to all pages and tools in the merchant console.
  • Staff: This role has access to all pages of the merchant console except for the Prime and Settings pages that include financial information, billing details, and other Amazon account credentials such as Seller Central and Amazon Pay. Additionally, this role’s access to Catalog page is restricted to viewing and editing product details.
  • Customer service representative: This role has access to pages and tools that are specific to supporting the merchant’s shoppers. For example, they can manage and edit orders and shipments, and process refunds.
  • Developer: This role has access to the Buy with Prime button page that allows developers to create Buy with Prime buttons on their sites.

Add a user

  1. Open the merchant console.
  2. On the side menu, choose Settings, and then Team.
  3. Choose Add user, and then follow the prompts to enter the following information:

    • Email
    • Role: Admin, Staff, Customer service representative, or Developer
    • Appropriate permissions for each role
  4. Choose Add user. A confirmation appears to confirm your action.

Note: Invited users receive an email with an accept invitation link that expires in 24 hours. After accepting the invitation within the 24-hour window, added users have access to the business based on the permissions of their assigned role(s). If the invitation expires, select Resend invitation on the Team page to send another email invitation.

Edit a user

  1. Open the merchant console.
  2. On the side menu, choose Settings, and then Team.
  3. Identify the active user, and then choose View/Edit.
  4. Follow the prompts to edit or add a role. A confirmation appears to confirm your action.

Note: Edited users are granted access based on the permissions of their new role(s). No email invitations are sent when editing a user’s role.

Remove a user

  1. Open the merchant console.
  2. On the side menu, choose Settings, and then Team.
  3. Identify the active user, choose the Action icon next to the user, and then choose Remove user.
  4. Follow the prompt to confirm the removal. A confirmation appears to confirm your action.

Note: Removed users no longer have access to the business or to the merchant console.

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