For Business

Business logo

Set up and troubleshoot your business logo

When you create your Buy with Prime button code, you also have the option to upload your business logo. Shoppers see your store name as part of their branded checkout and order confirmation experience. If you choose not to upload a logo, shoppers see your store name displayed in text.

Upload a business logo

  1. Go to:
  2. Choose Edit, and then under Business Logo (optional), choose Upload logo.
  3. Navigate to and choose your logo image file.

Note: You can remove an existing logo by choosing the trash can button, and then upload a new logo.

Troubleshoot the Buy with Prime business logo

If you’re having issues with adding a business logo to your site, use the following guidance.

Logo quality issuesIf there is a corrupt input file, defect in the processing library, or poor quality with the original image, your business logo can display with poor quality in the Buy with Prime checkout and order confirmation experience.Try uploading another logo image file, or convert the logo image file to the JPG format, and then upload the new version.
White box appears instead of merchant logo

A white box can appear in the Buy with Prime checkout and order confirmation experience rather than your business logo for the following reasons:

• If the original business logo image file uses a transparent background, we convert the image to solid white because transparency is not supported.

• If you uploaded a logo in PNG format with a solid white or solid light foreground color, and a transparent background, it can be hard to see or completely invisible.Similarly, if you uploaded a logo in JPG format, with a solid white background color, and solid white or solid light foreground color, it can be hard to see or completely invisible.

Choose a logo without transparency; or, for images in PNG format, choose a logo without a solid white or solid light foreground color; or, for images in JPG format, choose a logo without a solid white background color or solid white or solid light foreground color.
Business logo appears stretched, compressed, blurry, or croppedA business logo can appear stretched, compressed, blurry, or cropped in the Buy with Prime checkout and order confirmation experience if you uploaded a logo image that uses an unsuitable aspect ratio or set of dimensions.Use a logo image of 1:1 or 2:1 ratio instead, with a minimum height of 150 pixels and adjust either the height (150px) or the width (300px).

If you’re still experiencing issues, contact merchant support.

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